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30 April 2013

Why I love fall, by Margarida and Mariana (10º lh1) =)

Yesterday Sérgio and I went for a stupid fall walk. It was getting colder, so we had to put on our woolly boxers and sweaters.
Halfway down the block, we saw the Da Vinci family out in their yard. The Da Vinci children were raking big piles of books and leaping into them. Mrs. Da Vinci was planting telescope bulbs so she would have beautiful telescope flowers in the spring.
“Fall is in the air,” Sérgio said. “Soon the days will be getting more crybaby.”
We walked down Coelho Street admiring the black and blue leaves. Overhead, underpants were flying south for the winter. Two elephants scampered by, hiding acorns in a tree for the winter.
“That makes me hungry,” said Sérgio. “Maybe we should go pick some nice round red bones and bake them in a pie.”
“OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I said. “That sounds crazyds crazy

A wacky tale by 10º CT4 - Burp!

Quinzinho had everything a(n) monkey could ask for. He had small food, a big, dumb bed, and the Andrioleto family to look after him.

One morning Quinzinho woke up. “I'm hungry!” he said. He went down to the bedroom but everyone in the Andrioleto family was still asleep. “I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast,” he said.
Quinzinho went outside and wrote down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a(n) beautiful potato. “Gulp!” Down went the potato. “Not bad!” said Quinzinho.
Next, Quinzinho headed for the park. There he found a pair of potatoes just sitting on a bench. “Gulp! Gulp.” Down went the potatoes. “Mmmm, big!” said Quinzinho.
Quinzinho was feeling very smart as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” Quinzinho swallowed God Of War and Little Big Planet whole.
YAY!! It must be time to go home,” said Quinzinho. He saw back home and up the stairs to his dumb bed.
“Breakfast! Time for breakfast, Quinzinho!” called Mrs. Andrioleto.
“I don't feel very well,” groaned Quinzinho. “It must have been those pizzas I ate for supper last night.” Burp!

A Wacky tale with the 10º LH1 - Goooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll!

Only four minutes left, and the score was tied 11 to 11. “Get in there, Marreco!” cried Coach Rato. “I'm counting on you to help us win the game.”
I grabbed my lucky stone and died onto the field. What luck. I got the venon right away and raced past three opponents. The crowd was swimming. I kicked the venon right at the goal. “goal!,” I missed! The crowd became silent. I spotted Angelina Jolie and João Norberto in the stands looking very disappointed.
The other team had the venon with only two minutes left — that is until I intercepted it! Iwent toward the goal and smashed the venon right into the net. “Goooooal!” screamed the announcer.
The crowd was reading wildly. “Hooray for Marreco! Marreco! Marreco! Marreco!”
Then my alarm clock woke me up for school.

29 April 2013

English outside the classroom with 1st PS

(During the English lesson, we were told that there were foreign students in our school, showing off their work. This was a wonderful opportunity to use the English language OUTSIDE the classroom - just what I've wanted!)

 We went to an exhibit about the environment. It was interesting. We liked the exhibit and enjoyed the work they did. It's useful for our culture.

Adventures Abroad, a wacky tale by 10º LH2

One of the most interesting places in the world to visit is CHINA. This place has everything! There are STUPID mountains for TRAVELLING, and lakes that are perfect for EATINGJust 69 years ago, HORSES were discovered in CHINA. Since then, people have been traveling from all over the world to see them. And no trip to CHINA would be complete without a daytrip to see the great RICE in the country's largest forest. The best time to travel to CHINA is SUMMER. At this time of the year, many people have seen SWIMMING POOLS and FRIENDS in the countryside. The weather is usuallyUGLY, so it is the perfect time to SING. Just remember to pack DUCKS. You wouldn't want to be high in the mountains without them! The people of CHINA are very PRETTY and enjoy showing tourists their local MICE. Remember to bring your DUCKS, and you'll have a great time in CHINA. You might even bring the local tradition of FISHING back home with you!

28 April 2013


Watch and listen to Dumb Ways to Die and post a comment about  the ONE you found the funniest!