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27 October 2014

Hey, you!

Do you have trouble remembering your vocab?
Check out the video!
It shows different activities for different types of learners!!!!!!

03 August 2014

China's law. Cruel or necessary?

Tell me your opinion on this!

Whatchu eatin pardner? -.-

You'd better think a bit about this, y'all!

21 May 2014

About Love.

by Roberto, 11º CT4

I could never write and express myself about love. Do all those cute and intelligent descriptions that seem so easy to say when actually they aren´t because they always need a good dose of inspiration and above all a good dose of life experience sometimes only poets (but not any poet) can describe, define and feel what love really is because in my opinion not everyone can feel and most importantly enjoy what love gives us.
Love will never equate to death because love is life; love makes us feel alive and happy. I usually say that love is like a beginning with no end unless we don´t want to. Although we can talk about love – it´s not easy but it is possible- it cannot speak for itself. Love is similar to a song because both don´t have a language, they have a soul.
Love is creation not destruction. If love kills, that´s because it wasn´t love of course! It was something ugly, nasty…
Love doesn´t match with dependence in the same way that respect is not similar to obedience. They are very different things and make for different reactions. We belong to anyone. We are together and in touch but we´re n property of other people – everyone calls it freedom!

Love can lead to several consequences: some are good, others are cruel. You can be happy with love but when it becomes a drug and you´re addicted it may end your life physically and socially. Love that ends with your life and makes of you an addict is not true love because this kind of love is immortal. Love is not part of our bodies. It belongs to our soul.

17 March 2014


When I look at the stars
I see your eyes
You don't know one thing
You are everything

When you say "hello"
I don't know what to say
You are my muse
Please don't go away

I wish you were here
To stay together
You and me
You and me forever

At night in my room
You're still in my head
It's so very true
Oh Baby I love you

I don't know what you want
I don't know what you feel
Dear I love you so
Do you love me?

I wish you were here
To stay together
You and me
You and me forever

Rodrigo, 11º LH1

27 February 2014

The English language needs and priorities of young adults in Europe: a survey

Please take some time to answer this survey, ok?
Thank you!

The English language needs and priorities of young adults in Europe: a survey

What are the English language needs and priorities of young adults in Europe? What kinds of English do 18-24 year olds want to speak, and why? Has the development of new technologies and online communication affected the ways in which young adults use English, and if so, how? And what might this mean for English language teaching and learning?

Northumbria University and King's College London (both UK), in conjunction with the British Council, are surveying young adult English language learners views about the English they need and want to speak and use, and the implications of this for English language teaching.

This survey asks you about how and why you, a young adult in Europe, learn and use English, the kinds of English you want to speak, and what this might mean for English language teaching. In this survey, the term 'young adult' refers to 18-24 year olds.

Participation in this survey is open to all English language learners aged between 18-24, and is voluntary. Your answers are confidential - no individual’s answers can be identified – and the survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The survey is available online at: 

For further information about the project, visit:

If you have any questions, please contact Alison Twiner (

25 January 2014


Check out this WEBQUEST on advertising and publicity!

Why don't you do it? It's fun! And you can handout the final product for grading!!