OK, so I found a list of 6-word stories on the web and I loved them. Next thing I knew I was thinking of how to use this for a lesson.
The plan I came up with was to give the list to my students as FIRST SENTENCES for their new stories.
The plan I came up with was to give the list to my students as FIRST SENTENCES for their new stories.
You see, they always complain they don't know how to start their texts!
I had a wonderful time with this and I hope they did too, because it somehow seems wrong for the teacher to be having all the fun, doesn't it? =D
I had a wonderful time with this and I hope they did too, because it somehow seems wrong for the teacher to be having all the fun, doesn't it? =D
Here is Ana Francisca and Francisca Pereira's short short story. That ending...
He went on a 5-day roadtrip with his crazy friends around California without their ladies. Obsiously they got angry.
During the journey they swam in the cleanest and most limpid waters, paddle surfed and saw sharks too. They drove along the longest roads and highways and to complete the journey they went to different discos every single night.
In the last night, when they got back, they partied as always and got a little bit drunk. He had a flashback of his girlfriend and decided to surprise her.
He brought her fifty roses. When he got to the house the keys didn't fit! He rang the bell. An unkept-haired old woman opened the door. Ups...wrong door!
This is Margarida Novais. She comes in a bit strong but it's awesome writing =)
Jumped. Then I changed my mind. I thought I was dying . I had flashbacks of Josh going through my mind. And then it clicked. He was gone. We were free. I opened my eyes and laughed. Laughed like I’d never laughed before. I was free.
Ângela Marques went to space =)
Voyager still
transmitted. Earth didn’t. They were all dead. Everything has been such a huge
mess on Earth. A very contagious virus was infecting everyone and Ashton had as
mission getting to know if Mars was ready to receive the healthy humans.
It had been a bumpy trip. It was the
oldest space ship NASA had. He had a long journey ahead and nobody was
answering his communication. He could save himself but he could not save
everyone else.